How do we come up with our shots?
A common question we get from customers and aspiring Shark Tank investors is, "how do you come up with your shots?" It's a valid question, especially since all of our shots seem too good to be conceived by a couple of washed up athletes. So to put all the confusion to bed, we're going to lift the curtain and detail the process behind coming up with a new shot.
Step 1: Ingredient Inspiration
If you're new here, you may not know that all of our shots are focused around one "star" ingredient. For our current lineup, those ingredients are: Apple Cider Vinegar, Matcha, and Turmeric.
Finding a primary component to form a shot around is really the initial step in the process, but it's not a simple one. Our team does hours of painstaking research to determine what is or isn't worthy of a leading role. But every MJ needs a Scottie, Rodman, and sometimes even a Steve Kerr -- so the other integral part of this step is finding other ingredients that complement the star player based on the use case of the shot. For our Matcha energy shot, that would be adaptogens, as they promote the focus and mood enhancing properties we were looking for.
Once the initial profile and use case is conceptualized, it's on to step two.
Step 2: Nutritional Nuance
After we compile our potential ingredients to include in the shot, we tap in our awesome nutritionist, Amy Shapiro, to help refine and finalize the list. The hardest part about constructing a 2 oz. shot is getting enough of everything into it.
With her extensive knowledge of wholistic nutrition, Amy helps us curate a shot that includes the recommended daily amount (RDA) of a few synergistic ingredients that make sense together. Our goal is for each shot to pack a big punch in a small serving, so getting the ratio right is critical. This also makes the vetting process for each ingredient that much more strict, as there's no room for fillers.
Step 3: Testing Taste
Our next--and arguably most important--step is nailing down the taste of the shot. Arriving at a ratio of ingredients that maximizes nutritional benefits AND tastes good is no small feat, despite how easy we make it look. Yes our primary objective is for the shot to be healthy and functional, but that doesn't mean it can't be an enjoyable consumption experience.
This step is long and involves plenty of test runs, formula tinkering, and feedback solicitation. But there's no better feeling than that moment when you know you nailed the ingredient ratio perfectly and that the finish line is in sight.
Step 4: Solidifying Safety
Now that the nutritional and taste aspects are finalized, there's just one more step before we can start producing the shot and release it for public consumption: safety testing. Obviously we want to double and triple check that the shot is safe, so we consult with renowned food scientist Jasmine Kuan to ensure we are good to go.
Jasmine helps with things like pH testing and safety procedures, which are crucial when manufacturing food and beverage products. Once all the appropriate tests and checks are complete, we can finalize the nutrition label and get the ball rolling on launching.
While every shot is different, the commitment to a detail-oriented approach to crafting them remains unchanged. Keep an eye out for new products in the coming months!